Did you know about 40% of Canadian jobs can be done from home? Or that 90% of teleworkers report consistent or higher productivity rates when working remotely?

It’s no wonder why more and more Canadians have been working remotely over the past few years. But what does this shift to remote work mean for the home insurance industry?

In this blog post, we’re going to dive into how remote work has affected the home insurance industry and how adjusters can stay ahead by adapting to this emerging trend.

Remote Work by the Stats

Before diving into the effects of remote work on the home insurance industry, let’s look at some statistics about remote work in Canada.

  • 54% of high-earning dual-income couples in Canada can work from home together.
  • 41% of Canadian teleworkers prefer to work half their weekly hours remotely.
  • 80% of employees claim they would recommend working remotely to a friend.
  • 11.2% of jobs posted on Indeed in Canada mention remote work.
  • 68% of organizations worldwide report increased productivity in IT and digital departments after switching to remote work.

These stats prove that many people find remote work desirable and viable. Due to these stats, we can project that remote work isn’t going away soon, and we will continue to see more people working remotely part-time and full-time.

How Remote Work Affects Policyholders’ Home Insurance

As more and more people work remotely and push for employers to offer hybrid work models, the risks and opportunities for the insurance industry have changed. Remote policyholders must update their home insurance policies and disclose any changes to insurance companies to ensure adequate coverage should disaster strike.

Below we’ve highlighted some of the positive and negative ways remote work affects policyholders and the home insurance industry.

Cooking Mishaps

Pot on a gas stove.

According to Reader’s Digest Canada, cooking equipment is the most common cause of fires in Canadian homes. Fires can start in seconds when pots or pans overheat, grease splatters or burners are left unattended.

Those who work remotely are more likely to prepare more meals during the day, which results in a greater risk of a cooking mishap. Not only are kitchen fires stressful for policyholders, but these mishaps could also cause severe damage to the kitchen and require repairs or replacement of furniture or appliances. Or worse—ignite a fire that spreads across the home!

Adjusters need to confirm if their policyholders are working at home as they need to assess and adjust home insurance policies to account for the increased risks.

Reduced Disaster Impact

Woman on phone looking at her leaky dishwasher.

Although policyholders who work from home may face additional risks, such as cooking mishaps, the benefits of being present in the home in case of a disaster can outweigh the potential drawbacks.

When policyholders work from home, they can detect and respond quickly to emergencies like leaky appliances, burst pipes, or fire outbreaks, and take immediate action to prevent further damage.

Should disaster strike, remote-working policyholders can quickly alert emergency services or home insurance providers, which can lead to faster response times and reduce the likelihood of significant damage.


Two people shaking hands.

With the rise of home-based businesses, liability has become a considerable concern for both policyholders and insurance companies. From freelancers to interior designers and beauty professionals, home-based businesses are extremely popular.

If a policyholder offers a service that requires their customers to visit their home, they must have the correct home insurance policy to ensure any accidental injuries, theft, or property damages are covered.

Basic home insurance protects policyholders should a third-party individual damage the property or get injured. However, if the casualty occurs at any point throughout business activities, policyholders are no longer covered.

Policyholders working remotely must double-check if they will be covered for any potential claims resulting directly from business activities.

Adapting to Policyholder’s Needs Will Help You Stay On-Top

Remote work has increased the need for specialized insurance coverage for policyholders. As more policyholders work remotely or start home-based businesses, they must review their insurance policies and consider purchasing additional coverage to ensure they’re protected.

By understanding that policyholders’ needs change over time, adjusters can modify coverage options to better serve remote workers’ needs.

Should your policyholder become displaced due to an unforeseen circumstance at home, contact Accomsure. We provide ALE management services that support your displaced policyholder with their immediate needs so you can focus on their claim.